
Place-based giving: growing nationwide, thriving in Islington

We have been referenced in three important research reports highlighting the growing success of place-based giving across London and the UK. Centre for London’s More, Better, Together: A strategic review of giving in London, The Researchery’s Place-based giving schemes: Funding, engaging and creating stronger communities (commissioned by the Office for Civil Society, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and […]

Announcing a new partnership: The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity

We are delighted to announce that the Goldsmiths’ Company Charity has joined Islington Giving. They will be contributing £90,000 over three years towards the coalition. The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity is a grant funder, founded in the late nineteenth century, with investment income on assets given by the Goldsmiths’ Company over the centuries. Its Board of Trustees is […]