
Raising funds for local projects

Working with local people and organisations, the aim of Islington Giving is to raise funds, support communities and projects, and connect each other in Islington.

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Islington Giving was established in 2010 in response to the Cripplegate Foundation’s ‘Invisible Islington’ report. The report shone a light on the extreme inequality that exists in our borough, and the complex nature of this inequality. 

Working with local people and organisations, the aim of Islington Giving is to raise funds, support communities and projects, and connect each other in Islington. Our vision of Islington is a strong, connected community where everyone has the opportunity to live a good life and we know that when we work together, we can create lasting positive social impact. 

With the support of local residents, businesses and charitable foundations, since 2010 we have:

  • Raised almost £10m for local projects
  • Worked with over 130 local organisations 
  • Galvanised over 9,000 people to volunteer in Islington
  • Inspired the founding of London’s Giving
Our parent charity, Cripplegate Foundation, covers the administration and staffing costs of Islington Giving. This means that 100% of the funds we raise support local projects in Islington.
If you feel inspired to support us, you can contact us or find out more using the links below: