
Children & Young People

Islington is full of opportunities, but many young people growing up here feel unable to access these opportunities. Read more about our the work we for and with young people. 

Islington is full of opportunities, but many young people growing up here feel excluded from or unable to access these opportunities. The Covid pandemic has had a huge impact on the education, mental health and life chances of young people – and the effects are now being compounded by the cost of living crisis. Youth unemployment has hit London hardest with the worst affected sectors like hospitality and retail claiming the heaviest toll.

38% – nearly 15,000 – children and young people are living in poverty in Islington. Growing up in poverty can make children’s lives harder well into adulthood, reducing access to opportunities. Children from minority ethnic backgrounds in Islington are more likely to be living in poverty in comparison to white children. 

We are determined to make a positive difference to the opportunities available for the thousands of children and young people in our borough who are affected by poverty.