
Carers’ Fund Report 2024

In early 2024 Islington Giving ran a fund for carers. This took a participatory approach, consulting with carers and carers’ organisations to shape the model, decide upon priorities for the fund, and recruiting carers to take part in the panel which had authority to determine what organisations to fund in the borough. This report provides an overview of our first Carers’ Panel and includes some reflections and learning to be implemented for the second, to be launched in late 2024/early 2025.

The objectives of the fund were:

  • To support people doing unpaid caring work in the borough
  • To involve carers in deciding how best to use the money

“It really made a difference meeting the people who would be benefitting from the grant and hearing their stories and the wonderful work they do.” ~ Carers’ Fund Panellist

The report provides more detail on the stages of the process, as follows:

  • Consultations
  • Recruitment of Panel Members
  • Research into Carers projects/organisations in Islington
  • Application and Consultation process
  • Decisions
  • Budget
  • Reflection and Learning

“Overall, the whole experience was very positive and it helped me through a difficult period of time (associated with being a carer) by offering me a space that was solely for me with the bonus of being able to give back to others, which also felt like it was for me!” ~ Carers Fund’ Panellist 

With thanks to the following:

  • Our panel members, for your enthusiasm and commitment to the process, and for sharing your time and expertise with us.
  • The Mercers’ Charitable Foundation (of which the Mercers’ Company is the Trustee) for their support of carers’ organisations in the borough and their interest in involving local people in directing these funds
  • City Bridge Foundation for their vital support including the running costs of this programme
  • Islington’s amazing local Voluntary Sector organisations who are providing essential support to carers in Islington and who supported this programme from start to finish.

We wanted to support a diverse range of carers groups, i.e. carers of those with mental health issues, those with learning disabilities, neurodiverse groups, refugee support groups, child/adult, physical disabilities…” ~ Carers Fund’ Panellist 

Featured image: Impact Report launch 2024, left to right: Jordan and Freya, Young Grant Makers, Anne, Programme Manager at Islington Giving & our parent charity, Cripplegate Foundation, Champika and SarahCarers Panellists.