
Golden Grant Makers Report 2024

Golden Grant Makers 2023

In Autumn 2023, Islington Giving launched its second resident-led panel for older people, known as the Golden Grant Makers (GGM). Building on the success and learnings from our first panel in 2022-2023, we adopted a participatory approach to ensure the programme truly reflected the needs of our older residents.

How We Did It

Consultation: We engaged with older residents and organisations dedicated to older people’s welfare to shape the GGM model and identify funding priorities.

Recruitment: We invited older residents to join the panel, ensuring their voices directly influenced the grant-making process.

The Panel’s Role: The panel was tasked with transforming community feedback into actionable grant opportunities. They reviewed applications and awarded funding to projects that best addressed the needs of older residents in Islington.

Funding and Support

Total Fund: £120,000, including £37,750 from the Mercers’ Company.

Operational Costs: Covered by the City Bridge Foundation.

Impact: From October 2023 to February 2024, the GGM panel distributed grants to local groups, enhancing the lives of older people in the borough. This initiative demonstrates our commitment to involving residents in decision-making processes and addressing community needs directly. Read more in our latest report.

With Thanks:

To our panel members, for your enthusiasm and commitment to the process, and for sharing your time and expertise with us.

To The Mercers’ Company for their support from older people in the borough and their interest in involving local people in directing these funds.

To City Bridge Foundation for supporting the costs of running this programme and their openness to test different approaches to meaningfully involve residents in our work.

This report provides an overview of the project and its outcomes. We are proud of the difference the Golden Grant Makers have made and look forward to continuing this impactful work!