
Impact Report 2023

We are excited to share our latest Impact Report 2023. The report highlights our work over the last year, partnering with a diverse range of incredible local groups working to address poverty in Islington, increasing access to opportunities for residents in the borough, and testing new approaches.

In 2023, thanks to the support of local people and organisations, we raised £1.01m to invest in the local community. This enabled us to work with 105 different organisations and award 151 grants. Additionally, 23,000 residents accessed Islington Giving through funded projects and services, and 3,700 hours of volunteering was leveraged through the BIG Alliance.

“It is empowering to be able to make a big decision that will impact hundreds of young people.”

~ Izzy Petriti, former Young Grant Maker Co-Lead

In the report, you can read about our community-led research project (p.4 – 5), group spotlights (p.12 – 13), Mind the Gap programme (p.14 – 17), Islington Food Fund  (p.18 – 19), resident-led giving (p.20 – 23), coalition partners (p.24 – 25), sparking moments of joy (p.26), and of course, access our creative Islington map showcasing fantastic partners across the borough!

It has been an absolute pleasure working with the team and I feel honoured to be able to see first hand the positive impact they have in the local community and on so many people’s lives.”

~ Ben Pasifull, Vital Energi 

The report also highlights our impact in our strategic priorities, which provide a framework to work towards our vision of a strong, connected Islington community, where everyone has the opportunity to live a good life.

Thank you to all of our incredible community, supporters and partners who have enabled this work happen. We know that when we work together, we can create positive social impact.

“Giving through Islington Giving connects us to organisations in our neighbourhood doing important work that we would find hard to discover by ourselves. They are the experts, and so we know our money is being put towards delivering amazing impact…”

~ Sarah, Dom, Leonie & Jesse, Long-standing Islington Giving supporters

Photos in the report include those by: Emma Marshall, Steve Bainbridge
Map: Copyright Siôn Ap Tomos