
Mind the Gap Fund

Bridging the gap in mental health services by supporting vital projects that provide mental health support for people facing homelessness in Islington.

What is the Mind the Gap fund? 

Local people who are at risk of homelessness and experiencing coexisting disadvantages face a gap in mental health provision. Consultation with voluntary groups and statutory organisations showed us that although there are many amazing projects in Islington, some mental health projects and services are not accessible to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. For these people, who often have complex needs – including substance abuse and being in contact with the criminal justice system – the gap in provision negatively impacts potential for recovery.

The Mind the Gap programme, made possible through a generous grant by Google.org, aims to help bridge this gap by funding advocacy, advice to access and navigate mental health services or direct therapeutic provision. We are working with the groups funded through this programme to learn more about where the gaps and challenges are, and how we can work together to advocate for wider system-change to improve mental health support for people who experience homelessness in Islington.

Who do we support?

We fund projects working with adults who are homeless/at risk of homelessness and: 

  • Experiencing mental ill-health and/or
  • At risk of exploitation or abuse and/or
  • In contact with the Criminal Justice System and/or
  • Using substance

The projects also provide one or more of the following: 

  • Psychological / mental health interventions, to include 1 to 1 support.
  • Advocacy, advice or support for beneficiaries to navigate and access the mental health services they need.
  • Coproduction opportunities advocating for wider system-change to improve mental health support for people who experience homelessness in Islington.

Funded projects 

Projects funded by the Mind the Gap fund!

Stories & Impact 

Lara on overcoming trauma and navigating mental health services through KMEWO’s counselling support