
Ingrid & Ramarn’s story

Being a parent is difficult. Being a lone parent, living away from home, and dealing with other complex issues is even harder.

For mum Ingrid and her son Ramarn, this challenge has been made a bit more manageable.

Thanks to the time given to listening, sharing, and caring by hundreds of volunteers every year, more and more children and families are feeling the benefit of someone being there for them, and having their back.

The team at Chance UK connected Ingrid and Ramarn to a mentor, Amy. For Ingrid, Amy’s support has been a huge help. “You know when you’re having a down day, when [your children] want you to do stuff, but you don’t have that much energy. To know someone is going to come and get him and take him out, even just for a couple of hours, it gives me time to breathe.”

Looking back on a year in which Ramarn, with Amy’s support, has become a keen swimmer and confident footballer, Ingrid said that, at first, she wasn’t sure how a mentor would cope with Ramarn’s energy.

In part because of the amount of thinking that goes into matching mentors and children, and thanks to the inspiring energy of the volunteer mentors, it soon became clear that Ramarn had found the right match. “The biggest difference has been the change in Ramarn. It’s a big difference. He’s more sharing, caring, outgoing now. He wants to try new stuff.”

“The biggest difference has been the change in Ramarn. It’s a big difference. He’s more sharing, caring, outgoing now. He wants to try new stuff.”

Taking a walk around Finsbury Park, Ramarn’s energy is clear to see. “He’s a big swimmer now. We have just come back from holiday, and he was showing off in the water. That was a big positive for him. He wants to show everyone what he’s learnt. Since we’ve been back he’s been caught up in the football. He’s been enjoying it so much!”

“When you can speak to someone, and when people aren’t judging you, you can come out on top.”

Much of the change that Ingrid and Roman felt during their time with Chance UK has come from having someone to talk to, someone who is watching out for you, someone who brings positivity. As Ingrid says, “when you can speak to someone, and when people aren’t judging you, you can come out on top.”

This positivity is becoming a reality for many children and families in Islington, helping them to feel in control of their own, brighter, futures.

You can help change the lives of even more families in Islington.

  • Giving £30 per month could help pay for monthly mentoring sessions for a local young person.
  • Giving £100 per month could help secure the space and facilities needed for groups of parents and children to spend time together.

Help change the lives of even more families in Islington.

Chance UK and its support for children and families in Islington

Hundreds of children and families in Islington are supported by Chance UK’s caring, positive approach to changing lives.

This is a true example of giving in Islington, as volunteer mentors give time, energy, and kindness to help children and young people thrive.