
Sparking joy with the Good Neighbours Scheme ✨💌

The Islington Giving Sparking Joy project is part of our wider work to tackle loneliness, isolation and poverty in the borough. At a recent coffee morning with the Good Neighbours Scheme, hosted at the Hugh Cubitt Community Centre, our team distributed postcards with your messages of kindness. The response from attendees was incredible, sparking conversations about the significance of small acts of connection in combating loneliness and isolation.

Loneliness affects 41% of older people in Islington, contributing to serious health risks. Through the Islington Giving Sparking Joy project, we’re addressing this issue head-on by facilitating meaningful interactions among neighbours.

Reflecting on how lovely the messages were, the session sparked a variety of heartfelt conversations conversation about the value of small acts of kindness and connection in combating loneliness and isolation. These exchanges highlighted the importance of small gestures like taking your neighbour’s bins out, smiling or saying good morning to someone on the estate / passing by, and reaching out and making connections with neighbours though for example, improving a flower bed or attending a coffee morning.

Please don’t give up hope there are always people you can turn to even if it doesn’t seem like it ☺️ x

As a new resident of the Islington area, I wanted to say hello and wish you a lovely start to the spring season. You are loved and appreciated, and I hope to cross paths out and about soon!

Things may look bleak sometimes, but always believe it is going to be better. There are kind people and organisations working to transform lives, just be patient because it could be you next! With Love and peace. D

~ Your Islington neighbours

The Good Neighbours Scheme (GNS), run by Help on Your Doorstep in partnership with Islington Giving, engages residents who are experiencing social isolation, financial hardship and poor physical and mental health. Run by local volunteers and residents in community spaces, GNS events and activities include coffee mornings, stay and play sessions, yoga, mindfulness, arts and crafts, gardening, film screenings, games and much more. These are designed to bring residents together, foster friendships and support networks.

With continued support from partners like Peabody and Islington Council, we’re committed to expanding the reach of the GNS and ensuring that every resident has access to the support they need.

We invite you to join us in sparking joy and building connections in Islington. Share a message of kindness today, and we will pass it on to a neighbour who might be facing a difficult time. Your words could transform someone’s day, helping them to feel less alone.